
In contemporary global business networks, for development national economy, in many countries a special role play small and medium enterprises. 

In national economies of many countries a significant role is played by small and medium-sized enterprises organized in contemporary global business networks.

Entrepreneurs, managers or firm’s strategists looking for optimal ways of growth and development theirs’ enterprises in dynamic and low predictable business ecosystems. 

Entrepreneurs, managers and business strategists search for optimal ways to grow and develop [ reshape, evolve, change ] their enterprises [ in dynamic and low predictable business ecosystems ? ].

They search for efficient and effectiveness organizational activities in aspect of operational and financial performance for gaining multidimensional and sustainable competitive advantage and creating successful strategy.

They search for efficient and effective organizational activities in the fields of operational and financial performance, for ways of gaining multidimensional and sustainable competitive advantages, and for best approaches leading to successful strategies.

In above mentioned circumstances/conditions the topic of the study, formulated by the Author I recognized as a very important and rational from practical point of view. 

Taking the above-mentioned observations into consideration, one could argue that the dissertation's subject was well-chosen both from the theoretical and practical points of view.

From the other hand, chosen by the Author field of study is rooted in strategic management and more explicit, in the Resources Based View approach to competitive advantage phenomenon. 

Viewed broadly, the conducted research could be classified as belonging to the field of strategic management and within this scope as the Resources Based View approach to the competitive advantage phenomenon.

Conceptions of: Organizational capabilities, Core competences or Dynamic Capabilities are dominating from many years in scholars research and scientific discourses, but the level of its’ integration is recognized as low, because of theoretical gaps existing in this mater. 

Although the concepts of Organizational capabilities, Core competence or Dynamic Capabilities have been studied extensively in research institutions for years and hence permeate corresponding scientific discourse, their integration into practices outside academia is evaluated as low, because they lack sufficient coherence on the theoretical level.

From this reason Author’s motivation for undertake the study in this field of strategic management is justifying and valuable from cognitive perspective. 

It seems that the Author had been aware of this discrepancy and that he had decided to make this issue as the main topic of his work rightly expecting to find there room for achieving valuable contributions.

The scope and scale of the study are good limited in the title of doctoral thesis, in terms to SME sector in Zimbabwe. 

The title of the thesis  adequately delineates the subject of the presented research. Limiting its scope to the SME sector in Zimbabwe has has given the study a concrete practical basis [footing].

The aim (main objective) of the research, which was: “…to investigate the influence of the internal and external oriented organizational capabilities on the operational performance of SMEs.” correspondents with problem statement, which promising indicated by the Author gaps fulfillment.

[Nie zrozumiałem co chciałeś tutaj powiedzieć.]

Achievement of the main objective, justify all seven secondary objectives of the study, which are coherent logically not only with established main objective, but with proposed by the Author conceptual model as well. (fig.3.1., pp 62) 

[Również i tutaj nie bardzo rozumiem o co chodzi.]
The choice of topic was an extraordinary. 

The subject matter of the research was exceptionally well-chosen.

The Author decided to integrate various components of organizational capabilities, which are creating synergy effect and explain its influence on the operational performance of the small and medium enterprises. 

The Author decided to integrate various components of organizational capabilities thus creating a synergy effect and to explain their influence on the operational performance of small and medium enterprises.

The research design was based on:


  1. Positivistic ontology and epistemological position that requires use of natural science methodologies;

    Positivistic ontology and epistemological position both requiring the use of natural science methodologies;

    [ Positivistic ontology and epistemological position ? ]

  2. Deductive approach and usage quantitative methods of research for testing theory;

    Deductive approach and the use of quantitative methods for testing the proposed theory;

  3. Testing relationships and examining the cause-effect relations among variables established in the conceptual model.

    [ OK, jedynie należałoby doprecyzować o jakie relacje chodzi. ]

  4. Statistical and mathematical techniques for data analysis and hypothesis falsification; 

    [ hypothesis falsification ? ]

In my opinion, research design and methods of research were chosen in appropriate and holistic way in field of deducted phenomenon. 

In my opinion, the research design and the methods of research were consistent and chosen appropriately for the studied field.

I have only one controversial issue, according sampling method assumed in research design. In the study, simple random sampling was in the selection of the sample, involving the random selection of respondents. 

My sole objection relates [concerns] to the sampling method used for selecting the respondents. The simple random sampling ...

The general population ( SME’s in Zimbabwe) was diversified by: sector, employees, annual turnover and period of business existence.

... applied to the SME-s in Zimbabwe diversified by sector, employees, annual turnover and period of business existence seems to have been too simplistic [carried the risk of not selecting the adequately representative sample].

In this case better sampling technique is strata field random sampling.

In this case the strata field random sampling would be a better choice.

The execution of the study according to the research design and methods articulated is complete and successful. 

The presented research followed the articulated research design consistently and used the selected methods successfully.

Number of proved enterprises is very high, in compare to other studies under SME’s in the world and the responsiveness indicator is good. 

The number of approached [ proved ? ] enterprises was very high, which taken together with a high responsiveness indicator, favorably compares this study with similar studies of SMEs in other parts of the world.

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